Visit Our Prayer Room
It may be unusual for prayer to be addressed at a doctor’s office, but Dr. Teddy believes prayer is more than a form of worship and expression; it benefits the mind, body and soul.
Dr Teddy believes it is God’s calling to provide spiritual care to those who are sick. He is an active member at his local church Grace Fellowship church main campus in Katy, Texas.
Dr. Teddy would like to pray for patients on request in the prayer room, whenever he is available to do so. Although Dr Teddy does not have any professional counseling certifications, he is happy to provide this additional service free of charge to anyone who requests it, regardless of religion.
Benefits of Prayer
Fights Depression
Prayer gives us a more positive outlook, combating feelings of hopelessness and reducing the risk of developing depression.
Improves the Immune System
Discover the compassionate care at Zion Urgent Care Clinic, where we prioritize your overall well-being and can connect you with resources that may support your spiritual needs.
Gives Peace of Mind
Prayer allows us to reach a state of relaxation and calm. When we pray, we give our worries, stress, and any other negativity to a higher being. When we give up our problems, the burden is transferred and we gain peace of mind.
Decreases Blood Pressure
Various stressors contribute to high blood pressure – anger, lack of sleep, feeling overworked, poor health, etc. Say a prayer and watch your blood pressure decrease.
Sense of Well-Being
Scientifically, when we pray, the “happy hormone,” dopamine gets released, activating feelings of happiness and joy. Prayer establishes and maintains our sense of well-being. If you want to be healthy in all areas of life – physical, emotional and mental – then pray more.
Other Prayer Resources in Katy

As a house of prayer, we exist to facilitate the offering of 24hr prayer and worship to God (made possible through Christ) through enjoyable, sustainable, and inclusive expressions.

The Prayer Ministry at Grace Fellowship Church seeks to be a “connector” plugging every man, woman, and child into the relationship of prayer — talking and listening to God.
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