Zion Urgent Care https://zionurgentcare.com Fri, 12 Jan 2024 22:36:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 https://zionurgentcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Zion Urgent Care https://zionurgentcare.com 32 32 Prayer by a Doctor Sick with Covid-19 https://zionurgentcare.com/news/prayer-doctor-covid-19/ https://zionurgentcare.com/news/prayer-doctor-covid-19/#respond Tue, 10 Aug 2021 23:53:09 +0000 https://zionurgentcare.com/?p=3352 Thank you, my Father, for protection from Covid for the last 15 months during which I was daily exposed. This was possible by Your absolute Grace! Thank you for masks and many other unknown ways you protected me all this time. 

I got sick with Covid this week but not too sick by Your absolute Grace! Thank you for preparing the vaccine before I got sick, so I don’t get severe illness.

Thank you that I didn’t pass the virus to my family and friends by Your absolute Grace!


Dr. Tewodros Teketel (“Dr. Teddy”) 

Medical Director and Founder, Zion Urgent Care Clinic

After having practiced medicine and trained in Texas, California, Europe, and Africa, Dr. Teketel founded and leads Zion Urgent Care Clinic in Katy, Texas, with joy. Although certified with the American Board of Internal Medicine with over a decade of practicing medicine in the US, Dr. Teddy also brings six years of overseas medical experience during his time with Doctors Without Borders.

Lord, I pray today for all suffering from Covid directly, and indirectly. I pray for Your Comforting Spirit to cover those who have lost their loved ones from it. I pray for all who are sick from Covid-19 to be healed not only physically but also spiritually, and get the great revelation of Your Grace and Mercy on them.

I pray for all those conflicted and stressed about vaccines to get a clarity of mind. I pray for all those who have no access to vaccines to be able to get it.

I thank you that You will help us through this difficult protracted pandemic, and help us to see beyond our knowledges and opinions, and beyond fear and skepticism.

Help us walk in faith and rely on Your absolute Graceful presence around us!

Help us, Lord! Heal your people, Lord! Whenever we are in a situation of absolutely having no control of our lives, only then, we will truly understand The Grace of God. 

Dr. Teddy

Note: Dr. Teddy shared this prayer while being under self-quarantine after a positive COVID-19 test and symptoms. He has since fully recovered.

Last updated: August 10, 2021

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What is Long Covid Syndrome and What Can Be Done in Katy Texas https://zionurgentcare.com/coronavirus/long-covid-syndrome-steps-katy/ https://zionurgentcare.com/coronavirus/long-covid-syndrome-steps-katy/#respond Tue, 01 Jun 2021 22:29:56 +0000 https://zionurgentcare.com/?p=3204 Isn’t COVID-19 Done Already?

Thank God the tsunami of Covid-19 infections in the USA is almost over. However many are noting a second wave distinct from Covid-19 infections that is coming soon or is already here even. It is called the long-COVID syndrome. 

What is Long-Covid syndrome (LCS)? 

LCS is a range of symptoms that can last weeks or months after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. Its symptoms are fatigue, headaches, shortness of breath, anosmia (loss of smell), muscle weakness, low fever and cognitive dysfunction(“brain fog”, anxiety, depression).

Who gets LCS?

Long-Covid symptoms can be seen in more than 20% of people who ever tested positive for Covid and lasts for at least 3 months. It can be seen in people who had only mild or even asymptotic Covid-19 infections. However, up to 80% of people hospitalized for Covid-19 with severe disease experience long-term problems including fatigue and shortness of breath for more than 12 weeks. 

What is the cause of LCS?

The cause for long-Covid is still under investigation. However persistent and unregulated inflammation after infection has been found to be strongly correlated with it.


Inflammation is a complex biological response to harmful stimuli. A few examples of such harmful stimuli are pathogens (e.g., virus, bacteria), damaged cells, and toxic chemicals. 

The purpose of inflammation is to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, clear out cells and tissues damaged from the original insult and initiate tissue repair. The human body produces a protective response involving immune cells (white blood cells) and molecular chemicals (Antibodies). 

Inflammation is helpful when it happens for a short period of time but harmful when prolonged. When unregulated, it can cause continuous damage to otherwise healthy tissues. 

Prolonged ( chronic ) inflammation causes almost all the major health issues in the world. 

  1. Cardiovascular ( heart attack, stroke, blood clots, kidney diseases)
  2. Autoimmune diseases ( pain, swelling, weakness ) of muscle and joints. 
  3. Respiratory system diseases ( sinusitis, Asthma, allergic cough )
  4. Hormonal system diseases ( Diabetes, Thyroid deficiency)
  5. Cancers ( Cervix, Lung, Colon…)
  6. Accelerated aging of body

What Can Be Done About LCS?

Our clinic is currently involved in providing monoclonal antibody treatments in the early (first 7 days of symptomatic Covid-19 disease) stage. We have also partnered with Dr. Weiss and Dr. Kitos to offer quantitative antibody testing, which you can read more about here. We are in hot pursuit to understand how many short term and long term complications of Covid-19 can be prevented. 

Early and effective anti-inflammatory treatment has been proposed to not only treat the Covid-19 severe symptoms but also may prevent the risk of developing long-Covid syndrome. 

Contact us at Zion Urgent Care Clinic today if you or a loved one are experiencing Long Covid Symptoms.

Reference: 1- “The prevalence of long COVID symptoms and COVID-19 complications”. Office of National Statistics UK. December 2020. https://www.ons.gov.uk/news/statementsandletters/theprevalenceoflongcovidsymptomsandcovid19complications 

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What Kind of Mask is the Best to Use? https://zionurgentcare.com/coronavirus/what-kind-of-mask-is-the-best-to-use/ https://zionurgentcare.com/coronavirus/what-kind-of-mask-is-the-best-to-use/#respond Tue, 25 Aug 2020 16:27:03 +0000 https://daves26.sg-host.com/?p=2838 What kind of mask is the best to use? Is there a difference between the various types? Listen in for 3 minutes as Dr. Teddy explains both the differences in the most common masks types and whether masks actually make an impact. If you would prefer to read the information instead, please feel free to scroll below.

We have seen so many kinds of masks. Whether we know which ones to use and how to use them really matters a lot.

Surgical or Cloth Masks

The most common ones used are the surgical masks and cloth masks. What are you doing when you’re using this type of mask? As these generally don’t really fit well on our faces, they leave us breathing in air around the mask. What we are basically doing when we wear surgical and cloth masks is protecting the other person in front of us, not ourselves. So whenever you’re wearing a surgical or a cloth mask, what you’re saying is, “I’ll protect you. Please protect me.” It is estimated that at least 75%of droplets don’t go through surgical masks and about 50%don’t go through cloth masks.

N95 Masks

N95 respirator masks are the best ones. They are made to protect ourselves and others. They are designed to fit really well and to not allow any air gaps around their edges. Every air particle we breathe is supposed to pass through the mask. These masks can block about 95%of all airborne particles, including the smallest little particles measured at 0.3 microns which is about the size of most viruses. So when you’re wearing an N95 mask, your statement is, “I’m protecting you and protecting myself.”

Masks with Valves

How about the weird “Star Wars-looking” kind of masks or masks with exhalation values? I don’t think they are really made for the purpose of guarding against viruses. These were made for industrial settings where we are protecting ourselves from dust and other particles in the air. These do not really protect the person next to us as we’re exhaling clearly through the valve. This means that we’re giving whatever we have to the person next to us. So when you’re wearing a mask with values, you are saying, “I’m protecting myself. You protect yourself.”

Masks as a Political Statement?

These days, almost everything related to COVID-19 has been politicized. I believe masks have become the one most politicized topics. At the same time, if we wanted to make any statement through our wearing a mask, the best statement to make would be, “I care about you.” Most people really won’t get too sick from COVID-19. Some say 85%of people with COVID-19 are not having any serious sickness, but we’re trying to protect that one person who is immune compromised or elderly. So basically everything we’re doing is saying, “I care about you.”

Mask Usage and Risk Levels

Here is one last picture from the Houston health department to consider. It basically shows that when everybody’s wearing a mask, the protection provided is most effective. The highest COVID risk appears when no one is wearing a mask.

Ps. KN95 vs N95 Masks?

The N95 designation for a mask basically means that 95%of microbes 0.3 micron and larger are filtered out. The difference between an N95 and a KN95 is where it has been certified. K is the certification level that has been assigned by the manufacturer in China. So KN means they came from China and N alone means they came from somewhere else. For more on the differences between the two masks, here is a post that might be helpful.

Updated: August 25, 2020

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Katy Returns to Work and How to Return to “Normal” after COVID-19 https://zionurgentcare.com/news/katy-understanding-covid-19/ https://zionurgentcare.com/news/katy-understanding-covid-19/#respond Sat, 01 Aug 2020 12:47:22 +0000 https://daves26.sg-host.com/?p=2802 Do you understand why there are different kinds of COVID-19 tests? How Coronavirus symptoms compare to those of the common cold or the flu? Have you ever heard of Dr. James Reason’s “Swiss Cheese Model” of prevention? 

Listen in as Jeanette Winters from the Katy Returns to Work Task Force interviews Dr. Teddy Teketel during his presentation on how we can return to “normal” after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Katy Returns to Work Taskforce Webinar (July 28, 2020)

As Katy business owners consider Governor Abbott’s return to work initiative, the Katy Returns to Work Task Force was created to enable and support the safe re-opening of the business community. This group is supported by the Katy Chamber of Commerce, the Katy Area Economic Development Council, the Fulshear-Katy Chamber of Commerce, Christ Clinic, and Houston Methodist West Hospital.

Update: July 28, 2020.

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What to do if you’re in Katy and suspect you have the Coronavirus? https://zionurgentcare.com/news/coronavirus-testing-katy/ Thu, 12 Mar 2020 11:28:15 +0000 http://daves26.sg-host.com/?p=2627 NOTE: COVID-19 TESTING AVAILABLE. SCHEDULE YOUR IN-PERSON APPOINTMENT ONLINE or CALL 832-447-6454 TODAY.



You are highly likely to have coronavirus if:



Other common symptoms of the Coronavirus infection include:

  • General body aches,
  • Chest pains,
  • Extreme fatigue,
  • Sudden loss of sense of smell or taste,
  • Sore throat,
  • Diarrhea.

If You Would Like to Know How Effective An Immune Response Your Body Has Developed After Receiving a COVID-19 Vaccination, Please Click Here for Further Information.

If You Have Received a COVID-19 Vaccination, But Are Still Experiencing Coronavirus infection symptoms:

  • First, stay calm. All the CDC approved COVID-19 vaccinations have been shown to prevent most people from getting sick but this is still a very new situation. Scientists are still learning how long the effects of the vaccine last, how well they prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 to others, etc.
  • Second, stay at home (self-quarantine) unless you are having shortness of breath. If you are having shortness of breath you should get medical help.
  • Third, determine whether you need to be seen by a doctor by calling your doctor for telemedicine (Note: If your doctor doesn’t provide telemedicine, you are welcome to call Zion Urgent Care’s direct line for telemedical care – 832-447-6454 – Monday – Friday 9AM-9PM and Saturdays 9AM-3PM).
  • Fourth, when your symptoms have subsided, consider getting a quantitative reading of your body’s antibody response to your COVID-19 vaccination to gain a clearer sense of how your body is doing. Click this link for more details on this option Zion Urgent Care Clinic has secured with a specialized laboratory, Allermetrix.

What Should You Do If You’re Highly Likely To Have Coronavirus infection:

  • First, don’t panic. Not even everyone who contracts the virus needs special medical care so keeping a clear head is important.
  • Second, as noted above, it is best to stay at home (self-quarantine) unless you are having shortness of breath. In that case, you should get medical help.
  • Third, determine whether you need to be seen by a doctor (Note: If your doctor doesn’t provide telemedicine, you are welcome to call Zion Urgent Care’s direct line for telemedical care – 832-447-6454 – Monday – Friday 9AM-9PM and Saturdays 9AM-3PM).

If You Potentially Have the Coronavirus, Whether You Are Told to Go to ER or to Stay at Home and Self-quarantine, Don’t Forget To:

  • Use a mask (note: it doesn’t have to be N-95, any surgical mask will help) when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) or pets and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office.
  • Cover your coughs and sneezes and immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or, if soap and water are not available, clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid sharing personal household items, dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedding with other people or pets in your home and Wash the items thoroughly after use.
  • Clean and disinfect: “high touch surfaces” which include counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and bedside tables

Here to serve you, your family, and team today ,

Dr Teddy Teketel, M.D.
Zion Urgent Care Clinic.
